
Imagine That! Prunes Support Bone Health

Absolutely, consider this! It is quite fascinating to realize that prunes are not only a sweet and convenient snack but also possess qualities that actively promote bone health. This is due to the fact that prunes are rich in nutrients such as vitamin K and manganese, which play crucial

Eye Wellness

Solar Eclipse and

Healthy Macula

The total solar eclipse is coming up in just a few weeks. A lot of us will get to see it right above us. It's happening on April 8th. If you're excited about it, now's the time to get ready to watch it safely.

First step is to grab a pair of special solar eclipse glasses.

Watch the solar eclipse, but be sure to keep your eyes safe. Your sight is worth a lot; let's take care of it.

6 Simple Steps to Reduce Vision Loss from Age-Related Macular Degeneration

The rate of vision loss is increasing for people 40 years old and older. The latest report is this vision loss is due to Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). [1], Let’s take a look (pun intended) at what you can do to beat the odds.

Healthy Heart and Eye Relationship

The heart and eye have a remarkable connection! February is American Heart Month, we want to give special attention to the health of our heart. Heart health includes the entire cardiovascular system. The cardiovascular system is made up of the heart and all the blood vessels that bring blood to our body. Our eyes can help us identify potential cardiovascular problems! Did you know the eye is the only place one can look directly at the blood vessels of the body?

Reverse Vision Loss with Early Detection

An example of a dark adaption that you have likely experienced is entering a movie theater. After entering the dark theater, it often takes time for your vision to adjust to the dark to find your seat. The less time

Does Lyme Disease Affect Vision?

Lyme disease patients might potentially develop inflammation of the eye structures. Eye inflammation commonly appears in the third or late stages of the disease. Inflammation of the optic nerve can cause vision

Is Spinach a Gateway Veggie?

Recent evidence, by looking inside my refrigerator after a shopping trip, has shown that spinach is well on its way to being a gateway veggie. Spinach starts very innocently showing up in sandwiches (especially

Support Eye Health with Muscadine Grapes

Research also suggests that muscadine grape polyphenols may provide a novel dietary strategy to prevent vision-threatening retinal diseases.

Why People Have Different Eye Colors

The iris of the eye gives it color. In the iris, there is a pigment, which is dark brown called melanin. Melanin is produced to help the body protect itself from sunlight. If the amount of melanin in the iris is high,

Screen-time and Eye Health

Many of us are working from home and using our computers, smartphones, and TVs during most of our waking hours. I am as guilty of this as anyone, I use at least four devices every day. This increased

Soothing News for Dry Eye

You know there is something wrong when your eyes are irritated, scratchy, gritty or burning. Other times it just feels like there is something in the eye. These symptoms can be signs of dry eye

Smoothie for Eye Health

Every day, I spend a significant amount of time looking at a computer screen!! The hours add up quickly since I use four different devices on most days. As a preventive care eye doctor, I began to wonder if I could  

Nutrition is Critical for Eye Health and Immunity

Lifestyle choices can offset preventable eye disease and boost immunity at the same time! Empowering people with the information they need to make good lifestyle choices is my personal and

Weighing In on Eye Health

It is common knowledge that expanding waistlines are linked to conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Recent research shows that obesity is also linked to eye problems, which could lead to

General Wellness

Why I like Eco-friendly Home Care Products

I enjoy connecting with and honoring nature. Walking a labyrinth in a wooded area while listening to the birds sing is a special treat. The picture is from a recent trip to Vancouver Island in Canada. It reminded me why I am a big fan of eco-friendly home care products.

Do Protein Shakes Really Help with Weight Loss?

If you've done a weight loss program or know someone who has, it's likely that weight comes off, and just as predictably it comes right back within a year. This is the start of the yoyo weight loss cycle.

5 Reasons Why Spring Cleaning is Good for Your Mental Health

Many of us feel the urge to renew with the arrival of Spring. This is actually a sign we are harmonizing with seasonal shifts happening in our environment. That renewal energy can spur us into a spring-cleaning mode. Interestedly, cleaning can also be an important tool for coping with daily stress and anxiety year round.

Enjoying Fitness with the Scientific 7-Minute Workout

Movement is critical for quality of life. Regular physical activity not only helps give you a better quality of life, but also improves your physical fitness.

Regular aerobic and resistance training are two of the strategies often recommended to help individuals manage and expand their physical energy, prevent fatigue, and build muscle and bone density. Ideally, a program also must be able to be performed anywhere, without special equipment.

In just 7 minutes, one can enjoy a High Intensity Circuit Training (HICT) workout.

Developing Healthy Habits, Is It Really Worth It?

A recent study shows that maintaining five healthy habits can lead to a longer and healthier life.

Travel Trio

I’ve been doing a lot more traveling this year. Changes in food, environment, and time zones can challenge the best intentions of staying well and comfortable. I’ve found a trio of support that makes traveling and stays more enjoyable.

Abhyanga for Rejuvenation

A good rejuvenation program includes supporting health from the inside with good nutrition and diet. It also includes supporting health from the outside. An oil massage is a valuable resource for supporting health. Basic principles of an oil massage are found in the Ayurvedic lifestyle technique called Abhyanga.

Are Your Efforts Working?

When we care to keep our bodies free of harmful chemicals, the purity of ingredients and foods we eat are critical. After using products that are tested for purity and held to the “Beyond Organic” standard for a couple of years, along with preferring organic foods, I decided to take a test to see just how my efforts paid off. I'm pleased to report that my glyphosate test results were very good! Much better than most of the United States.

Acid / Alkaline Balance

Our bodies have a number of balancing systems. The pH level is one of the most critical for good health. The pH level is a measure of acidity or alkalinity. The pH ranges from 0 to 14. The lower the number, the more acidic, the higher the number, the more alkaline. The pH level of our body varies from one organ or system to the next, depending on the

Are Supplements Worth the Expense?

That is a question I have asked myself. Now I know the answer!

Lemon Water for Detox and Cleansing

The recommendation for drinking lemon water to support detoxing and cleansing goes back thousand of years!

Dr. Wayne Westcott - Resistance Interval Training

Ensuring Your Home Adds to Your Quality of Life

Your environment at home can influence your quality of life. Times have changed and many of us spend a lot of time at home. We want that home environment to support a good quality of life. Let’s explore

Travel Healthy -Out & About Travel

I’m looking forward to traveling again!! Whether travel is a short jaunt around town or a long distance adventure, I like to keep several items close on-hand. Here are my tips for a comfortable energy filled trip:

John also does a cost-benefit analysis

Self-Quarantine & Lost Unwanted Pounds

Secret Sauce

Skin care starts from the inside!

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