Enjoying Fitness with the Scientific 7-Minute Workout

Physical movement is key to a good life. It not only boosts your quality of life but also enhances your physical fitness.

Aerobic and resistance training are frequently suggested. They help manage physical energy, ward off fatigue, and strengthen muscle and bone. Ideally, these activities should be possible anywhere, without the need for special gear.

In a short span of 7 minutes, you can complete a High Intensity Circuit Training (HICT) workout. [1]

High-intensity circuit training offers many health perks in less time than traditional workouts. Plus, your body weight serves as resistance, so there's no need for fancy facilities or equipment.

Exercise Order

Exercises in an HICT circuit should be placed in an order that allows for opposing muscle groups to alternate between resting and working in subsequent exercise stations. For example, a push-up (upper body) station would be followed by a squat (lower body) station. While the participant is performing push-ups, the lower body is not being used significantly and can somewhat recover. This allows for the lower body to have sufficient energy to perform squats with proper form and technique and at adequate intensity.

The following is an example of a 12-station HICT program. All exercises can be done with body weight and implements easily acquired in almost any setting (e.g., home, office, hotel room, etc.). The exercise order allows for a total body exercise to significantly increase the heart rate while the lower, upper, and core exercises function to maintain the increased heart rate while developing strength.

Exercises are performed for 30 seconds, with 10 seconds of transition time between bouts. Total time for the entire circuit workout is approximately 7 minutes. The circuit can be repeated 2 to 3 times.

  1. Jumping jacks -Total body

  2. Wall sit -Lower body

  3. Push-up -Upper body

  4. Abdominal crunch -Core

  5. Step-up onto chair -Total body

  6. Squat -Lower body

  7. Triceps dip on chair -Upper body

  8. Plank -Core

  9. High knees/running in place -Total body

  10. Lunge -Lower body

  11. Push-up and rotation -Upper body

  12. Side plank -Core

Click picture to watch Chris Jordan explain the program. >>>

Long Term Health Support

According to an analysis published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, [2] just 11 minutes of moderate physical activity per day may lower one's risk of premature death. If we can just squeeze in 11 minutes of moderate exercise every day to get the heart pumping, we'd cut our health risks by almost a quarter. So only two reps of the 7-minute exercise gives you overall conditioning and supports long-term health.

The practicality and accessibility of HICT using body weight as resistance makes this exercise program a viable option for the masses. Individuals who previously believed that they did not have the time for exercise can now trade total exercise time for total exercise effort and get similar or better health and fitness benefits.

Build Bone and Muscle Density

Build your bone & muscle density after workout with Life Shake. Life Shake provides 20 g ultra-pure, non-GMO protein with precise ratios of all 9 essential amino acids and 24 essential vitamins and minerals. Studies show resistance training along with Life Shake to build bone and muscle density, even in post menopausal women.

7-Minute Workout App

Download the App https://7minuteworkout.jnj.com/


1. Klika, Brett C.S.C.S., B.S.; Jordan, Chris M.S., C.S.C.S., NSCA-CPT, ACSM HFS/APT. HIGH-INTENSITY CIRCUIT TRAINING USING BODY WEIGHT: Maximum Results With Minimal Investment. ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal 17(3):p 8-13, May/June 2013. | DOI: 10.1249/FIT.0b013e31828cb1e8

2. Garcia L, Pearce M, Abbas A, et al Non-occupational physical activity and risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and mortality outcomes: a dose–response meta-analysis of large prospective studies British Journal of Sports Medicine Published Online First: 28 February 2023. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2022-105669

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