Screen-time and

Eye Health

What is happening?

Many of us are working from home and using our computers, smartphones, and TVs during most of our waking hours. I am as guilty of this as anyone, I use at least four devices every day. This increased time in front of our devices increases our exposure to harmful high-energy blue light waves. Blue light

decreases melatonin production in the brain. Melatonin is a hormone that helps to regulate our sleep / wake cycles. Decreasing melatonin production disrupts sleep patterns. Disrupted and inadequate sleep can contribute to a number of health problems ranging from diabetes, heart disease, and psychological conditions like depression and attention deficit disorder (ADD).

In addition to blue light messing with melatonin production, blue light can also impact the eyes. Common signs of too much blue light to the eyes can cause one to experience eye-strain causing headaches, itching, and burning. This has been named digital eye strain.

What can you do for protection?

Number One -Take a Break

One of the first things is to take a break. It’s recommended to take a 20-second break for every 20 minutes of screen time.

Number Two -Reduce Blue Light

The second thing to do is to reduce the blue light impact. Blue blocker glasses have become very popular. It’s interesting that blue blocker glasses have been around for a long time. Hunters often wore blue blocker glasses to aid in sharper vision by reducing haze

Number Four -Good Nutrition

Good nutrition for the eyes is critical. The eyes have a very high metabolic rate. They take in electromagnetic energy waves and convert them to bioenergy! Quite a job! This requires good quality nutritional building blocks to build healthy eye tissue.

What are the nutritional building blocks?

Eating a diet that contains antioxidants, such as lutein, zeaxanthin, omega essential fatty acids and minerals all in the right balance.

Number Three -Control the Light Coming from Devices

The third thing to do is adjust the color and control the amount of light coming from the screen. I’m familiar with the iPhone, which uses a combination of a white screen along with a blue-based backlight that is suited for daytime. This same light can wreak havoc on your internal clock when used at night. Apple has responded to these concerns by adding a feature called Night Shift. Another option is software for most all desktop and laptops that provides a light color adjustment, call f.lux. f.lux can be downloaded at

Number Four -Good Nutrition

Good nutrition for the eyes is critical. The eyes have a very high metabolic rate. They take in electromagnetic energy waves and convert them to bioenergy! Quite a job! This requires good quality nutritional building blocks to build healthy eye tissue.

What are the nutritional building blocks?

Eating a diet that contains antioxidants, such as lutein, zeaxanthin, omega essential fatty acids and minerals all in the right balance.

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